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Blank imageEvangelism and Christmas Outreach Weekend. Bringing hope to Croydon, one soul at a time.

Dear Leader,

Greetings in Christ….

We have a unique opportunity for Croydon Leaders, Evangelists and Churches to work together in a borough-wide Evangelism and Christmas Outreach!

This is in partnership with King’s Army (formally Jesus at the Door - JAD). King’s army is a coalition of Christians marked by virtue & valour who believe it’s time for the Church to stop living like civilians and start fighting like soldiers!

The Ministry is led by Scott McNamara who carries a burden for Pastors and Evangelists to work together to win back the UK. A pilot plan for the Croydon wide Evangelism and Discipleship program is as follows:

Pastors/Leaders meeting: 20th December 6:00PM

Worship/Prayer/Training Rally: 20th December 7:30PM

Training and practical evangelism: 21st Dec 10:00am  - 6:00PM 

@ New Life Christian Centre, 5 Cairo New Road, Croydon CR0 1XP

We invite you to bring members of your congregation for this training to *maximise the opportunity* 

To know more and receive direct communication, please join the Croydon for Jesus whatsApp group - by clicking the link below:


Despite the tight Christmas window of activities, we believe this is of the Lord and a very important God appointed opportunity for Croydon!!

Grace & Peace

Tony Obayori

Croydon For Jesus - C4J


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for Christian Churches in the Borough of Croydon

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